Fake Label of Art Works

The performance space of Have I ever spoken properly? imitates an exhibition space in museum or gallery where is a white blank cubic space, in order to illustrate displayed art works. The intention of this performance was aimed to let the spectators take their time to explore the space and observe things and situations that occurs during the performance. Usually theatre performance provides ‘unspoken agreement’ which define the behaviour of the spectators that they cannot move around and leave from the space during the performance. But the performances in the museum, it is possible. People still behave quietly, but they have a freedom to take their time to look at things and walk around. These Fakes are intended to catch attention from the spectators, in order to let them think what is the message behind when they experience each scenes of the performance. And the spectators may create their own parcours by following those Fakes to find and read them in the space. Fake Quote were made in 2018, and it left me a concept to develop into Fake Label of Art Works in 2020.

Humankind is living with their curiosity to proceed lives under any circumstances. Therefore, we read, listen, speak, and touch, in order to collect new knowledges through the experience by submitting and receiving, to ‘understand what it is’ and ‘how it is’. We always seek the truths and meanings. What kind of meanings do we find when something is happening, or/and someone is doing something. We keep questioning ourselves, and sometimes we need someone else who can indicate or state those when we do not have any idea, and not knowing why. Those can be only one version of the truth, but, in fact, it is one of many truths which comes from different perspective and subjectivity. Fake Label attempts letting people to reflect, philosophise and find their own versions and directions to continue looking for the meanings of things in our lives.


≪Anti-Specificity≫ — 2019 — Choreographic Research + Creative Praxis


≪A STORY≫ — 2020 — Conceptual Work + Poetry